Diversifying into different investment portfolios, linking needs from the source.
Quality Sourced Products
ONLY Best in class quality and value for consumers worldwide.
Global Product Sourcing
Bringing the world closer through quality products.
International Product Sourcing
Connecting Global Markets
Professional Supply Chain Distribution Management Company
Connecting Brands to where it needs most, at the Right Place at the Right Time
International Expertise Provided
Quality Assurance
Supply Chain Management
From source to consumers, connecting the world by offering the finest products to consumers GLOBALLY
Glocal Product Sourcing
Product placement of desire. Sourcing only the Best in Class Brand to where it's needed
Distribution and Logistics
Delivering the products to the demand and setting the distribution network
Integrating sales strategy with marketing plans
Brand, Sales and Marketing Management
Professional Solutions
Connecting Brands to the Right Place at the Right Time
International Solutions Management
Intensive global network of FMCG suppliers and Brands
Global Product Sourcing
Expertise in understand the industry in different category to know the key underlying success factor
Sales, Marketing, and Distribution Strategy
Depth of understanding the global markets in different FMCG category
Value for Consumers
Providing satisfied consumers with quality products sourced globally at great value.
Burmite Global exceeded my expectations with their diverse investment portfolios. They truly deliver the best quality products sourced from around the world.
Satisfied Customer, CEO, Fortune 500 Corporate